Blog Archive

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

A Large List of Thanks!

I'd just like to take a moment to thank all of you who have taken the time to promote my shop.
I know I may not have everyone covered, but I am mostly going by what Google has brought up from searching jasminesphotography and whatever I can recall from memory.

Thank you to:

    If you have featured me somewhere and I have not mentioned you, please let me know! I appreciate all the promotion I receive!


    Akum said...

    This is quite a list. Hey, I can even help you promote in my blog!

    Jasmine said...

    All of those people who have taken the time to promote me are all very kind people.

    I definitely would appreciate any exposure. :)
    Hope you are having a fantastic Wednesday.

    littlewing said...

    You're very welcome! I only feature products I truly like♥

    Jasmine said...

    Aw, well thanks. :)

    Joanne Casey said...

    Hope it generates some business, Jasmine :-)

    Jasmine said...

    Thanks Joanne. :)